Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Now that I am back home, a few things have been decided in my life. After reviewing my financial situation, I decided that it was time I attempted to make some money on my own. I have chosen to stay home in Reading and train at my house while trying to make a business out of training local athletes. Hopefully, I will be able to morph a training system that uses Dr. B's philosophies as well as the ideas from other past coaches I have trained under. I will then use the system to train numerous different types of athletes in numerous sports. I will be creating a website shortly so hopefully things get up and running and turn out for the better. I will certainly miss living in Kamloops and the great friends I made while there.



hey dane, somehow i got lead to your blog through andy schell's..i never thought i'd get speak to you again actually..it's been forever since we've last spoken but i was always wondering how you were doing. i wished i could have talked to you before this but i had no clue how to get back in touch. it sounds like you've had many adventures and i hope you are doing well. keep in touch, my email is eak184@gmail.com


oh by the way, this is Erin Kirker