Saturday, October 27, 2007

Weather, Training and My Gorch

Yes, that is correct. My gorch...for those of you not in the know, that is Klingon for giant pimple. I have a massive zit on the back of my neck. It is quite possibly the largest zit I have ever had in my entire life. It is ridiculous. So large I may as well have a name for it. And it will not pop. This thing is embarrassing and it seriously hurts my neck.

My throwing went a lot better today than it had yesterday. Dr. B changed up my movement out of the back of the circle and the shot was flying much easier today. I have figured out that by the time I come home, I will have taken more throws in three months than I ever had previously in an entire year. Anyway, back to the gorch. So, I was done throwing and I see Mr. B walking around looking for something in the grass. He walks over and yells, "Dane, Dane, put on neck." Well, I had thought he wanted me to put these weeds on the spot where I have a callas from throwing. Instead, he pointed to my giant pimp and was like, "No, no, for red spot, for red spot...leave on for 5-6 hour." So, I went to my second practice and came home and got a shower. Here I am, writing this blog with a line of tape around my neck holding weed leaves to my neck. It is rather amusing.

Weather is getting colder up here. Every night is below freezing and when we are throwing it is definitely around 34-38 degrees. It really is not that bad as long as I have my fleece and spandex on. The wind is not bad where we throw either. Another week and fall should be over and the coldness will be barreling in. Hope all is well at home. Perhaps PSU will upset OSU tonight. To me, Ohio State is the Wilson of the Big Ten. They can blow me.


Ner said...

Sounds like the gorch is becoming an important part of your life. Name it Worf.

Heinsy said...

Did the weeds work or your gorch??

Dane Miller said...

Mr. B did say that in two days it would be gone. This is the second day after the weeds and it is going away. It is about half the size and by tomorrow morning I expect it to be gone. Possibly even by this evening.