Sunday, February 24, 2008

Absolute Gluttony and...Love is Wicked

Today I reached a new level of fatness. As many of you know, most of my carb intake is limited to quinoa, sourdough bread, certain seasonal veggies or fruits and of course a good beer. My diet really does not focus on carbs and I seem to think this helps me out with my energy and with keeping my weight at a nice balance and it also seems to help me recover from my workouts very well. Anyway, what I am getting at is this...tonight, Dylan's mom made us a massive dinner and it was spaghetti with a good meat sauce, lots of salad and then Dr. B and his wife brought over some sweet ass cake. I ended up having 3 plates of salad, 3 plates of spaghetti and then 2 large pieces of the cake. The cake was great and a Ukrainian special with figs in it. So, I ate a ton of food and then got super thirsty and downed two glasses of water. At that point I decided to try and relieve pressure from my stomach and went into the shitter. Got some stuff out but then started to feel lightheaded and started sweating. Well, I went outside for some fresh air and puked all over the front lawn. I felt so great after I puked but also felt like a giant turd, haha. I made up an excuse that the puke was from all the carbs but Caitlin claims it was simply from me overeating once again. I am not sure what it was from. I overeat all the time and never puke...I even ate a Taco Bell Grande Combo meal with the Mexican Pizza and nachos in 35 minutes and I did not puke. So, I am not sure if I am buying into the overeating...all I know is that I was ready to pass out after the food went down.

We started a new training plan. My program is the same but now instead of training twice a day at 3 days on, one day off, 2 days on, one day off...Dr B has changed the work to 3 days on, one day off, 3 days on, one day off. This is the first week of our change and on Tuesday we will be going back outside which I am excited about. Also, I taught Canadians how to do donuts in a front wheel drive car...I was flooring the car backwards and then whipping the front end around on the snow. It was quite amusing for everyone involved, haha.

I know this is fairly corny on my part and shows what working at a club is doing to me but...I think I actually like that "Love is Wicked" song from Brick and Lace. I am not going to lie, I think it is cool. Oh well, haha.


Kai said...

That's why babies spit up, you know. They eat too much for their stomach and the excess comes up as puke. And since you're the baby... well, I think that sums it up and Caitlin is a genius.

cstamm81 said...

dane, I had lost all faith in you until this post. seriously, all this blah blah about training, healthy eating, and the state of our country. then, you completely redeemed yourself with the front wheel drive dooonuts. smoke em off street racin' dane!!!