Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sammie Adams

I have been gassed the past week or so from practice. I must say that I have not had a training program this brutal. The difference is also in that it is a completely different type of training. There is no real heavy lifting but there are really heavy shot put specific movements and they are killing me. Anyway, yesterday I spent a lot of time looking at film of my throws and figuring out why I have been sucking so bad. Honestly, it seems to be one problem coming out of the back of the circle and I will spend most of this week fixing this problem.

I don't really have much to say this week. Ford and I made some Kombucha that tasted really good and we are in the process of making another batch. We also made some extremely good sourdough rye bread and sauerkraut that was loaded with way too much salt. Hope all is well back home.

Oh, here is a nice quote from Sam Adams. Take it as you wish: “Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.”

1 comment:

Widrig said...

I think your problem is that you need more kombucha.