Sunday, June 8, 2008

Work and Bayer

This upcoming week is my last week of work at the bar. Exactly two weeks from today is when I will begin my journey back home. I am excited to throw this Wednesday and finish my work up on Saturday. Today I threw fairly shitty but was a bit tired from a late night at work. Hopefully, tomorrow I throw far before my trek down to Seattle.

Today I was reading through some more information on the government and further increased my distrust for our "leadership." Basically, I have concluded that very rarely is the modern government actually interested in the peoples interest. Instead, they are more interested in profits and control. This weekend the Bilderberg Group met in Virginia and of course Ben Bernanke was in attendance, along with other government officials and countless media and corporate fascists looking for better ways to control us. I know this is all crazy radical stuff but I challenge someone to have a decent debate with me and prove to me that the government is actually looking for our bests interests. Here is a perfect example of how the FDA knew shit was happening with a medical company and instead of disallowing a company to disperse their medicine, they told them to sell the medicine elsewhere.

I am just really flustered lately. One question I would love to have answered is this....Why do people spend more money to get a job than they would actually make over that same time span in the job that they are campaigning for? It is ludicrous. I wouldn't go out of my way to spend 100,000 bucks to get a job that only pays 50,000 bucks. Ridiculous.

Also, lately at the bar people have been fighting much more often and just doing stupid things. People are no longer individuals who have cultivated their character and individuality. Instead, people have taken a nice plunge into false machismo to prove to others that they are tough and by doing so, they have become needlessly violent and plain old idiots. There are no more values that lead people to a rite of passage and teach individuals toughness and true traditional values. Everything has become a game of trying to prove to people who you are, instead of people knowing who you are based off of your individual actions. This really bothers me and I am currently thinking up ideas for my niece and nephew to pass through a rite of passage, haha. At least it may teach them traditional values for the future. SON!!!


Chiyo said...


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Jon Kalnas said...
