Wednesday, October 17, 2007

First Run in with the PoPo, Co-Op

My newspaper route has been going fairly well. This past Monday I ended up throwing fairly decent at practice because I figured out a solid routine of waking up and going to work and then coming home and napping but making sure I get up at least an hour and fifteen minutes prior to my throwing session in the morning. That has enabled me to feel fresh mentally but also to wake my nervous system and muscle system up, before I throw.

Tuesday ended up being a very weird day. It started off when I went to the pickup box for the paper and found that my one route was not in the box. Confused, I continued to deliver and as I was delivering I noticed a car driving at me with their headlights off. At the last second I noticed it was a police officer. He seemed dumbfounded that I was out at 415 in the morning, sitting in the middle of the road idling as I prepared to drop off some papers. The conversation was something like this:
Police officer: "What are you doing sir?" (my translation..."What er you gettin at buddy?")
Me (with a giant pile of newspapers next to me): "Delivering the newspaper."
Police officer: "Ok, on with your day."
So, on with my route I went. Then I see him pull up behind me and he rolled down his window and asked me a question, like so:
Officer: "Do you have your license on you?"
Me: "No, I usually do not carry my wallet in the morning." (Vernon knows this all too well.)
Officer: "Why do you have Pennsylvania plates?"
Me: "Ahhh, because I am from PA."
Radio Dispatcher: "The plate is from REEDING, Pennsylvania in Berks County."
My thoughts: "It is Reading (Redding) you bastage."
Officer: "Ok, go ahead." (my translation: "Go ahead (while Andy Smith throws the hook."

I guess I found this strange because Chris and I both noted that there is no patrolling up here for the police. I spoke with a guy at work and he said they only patrol from midnight to about 3 looking for drunk drivers. I suppose someone may have called because I was a bit suspicious, I do not know.

I find some joy knowing that they do not patrol nearly as much here as they do in the states and subsequently they have much less crime and much less people in jail. They also save money and gas and it is probably beneficial for a community to not see Officer Reichlein sitting at the Turkey Hill (the Husky in Kamloops) every 2 hours.

My strange day continued as I eventually found my other route in the wrong drop box. So, as the diligent worker I am, haha...I took it out and delivered it. Only to find out that I am a temporary carrier and a permanent carrier took my one route. Once I found this out, I immediately became a permanent carrier and subsequently make a bit more money. The weirdness moved to the track. I threw very mediocre but felt ok. I could not figure why I was not throwing far. We went into the weight room after throwing and I nearly passed out about 4 times. I suppose my blood pressure was too high or something, I do not know. Following my daze, I had a very odd feeling in my head for the rest of the day. Unlike Benjamin Heins, I do not receive throbbing headaches, however this was throbbing. I honestly have not had a headache since I went head-on to Eric Fehnel in the first week of hitting in high school football. I feel that his hit on me cured my brain of any headaches, haha. Then I almost got hit driving to my second practice.

I have recovered and threw fairly well today and it feels good to have a day off from training tomorrow. Sabermetrics tomorrow.

I forgot, I have joined a farmers co-op up here. It is pretty cool. Everything is all locally grown and most of it is organic with the meats being grass fed. This is nice because I do not have to worry about taking as much fish oil as the grass fed beef and lamb has an abundance of the omega fatty acids. The price was right, too. I paid a bit more than the premium but all I had to do was drive to the pickup location and all of my order was ready for me. The people were very nice and it is a cool idea to support the local farmers. They also have good cheese, not as good as Anna's (Brooks' wife) feta, though. Go ahead.


Chiyo said...

doing or saying anything you can to keep your mom worrying!

Heinsy said...

Regardless of what actually happened, I would have loved to hear this story replacing "Police officer in a police car" with "Mountee on a horse."

Also, my headaches don't throb, they sort of stab.

Dane Miller said...

Heins, you are correct. I should have thrown that in there. He was actually riding in a red coat, with a weird hat with no lantern in his arm.

Heinsy said...


b-$moov said...

low blood SUGAR, munson, not pressure. thats what the enriched fortified bleached flour they use in that spaghetti will do to you. read the heart is not a pump article again and you'll know why.


Murder said...

Just get to the fekkin sabermetrics already! I wanna talk about VORP!

Kai said...

Ain't no feta like Anna feta 'cause Anna feta don't stop.
