Saturday, March 22, 2008

Parents and Anton

I had a nice stay with my parents this past week in Kamloops. It sort of sucked because I got really sick on Wednesday and the rest of the week sort of laid around and did nothing. I felt bad for them since I was a dud but at least we still got to spend time with them. It was great seeing the Old Man after his shoulder surgery, his arms were not as small as I expected but small nonetheless. Hopefully, he packs some muscle on before I come back home.

Dr. B's wife made me an authentic Ukrainian cake for my birthday and it was quite tasty. Of course I got sick and did not eat the second half of it but it was still quite good. I am still sick but hopefully I will get over this illness by Monday. I hate being sick. More cod liver oil.

Anton flew home with the rents. I believe he is easily the most traveled dog in the Miller family, Kesey included. He went home with them and I will really miss him a lot but at least now I can move closer to the training center and save a ton of money on gas since gas is at 420 a gallon up here. Now, I will be able to ride a bike everywhere.

Bubba Jenkins got 2nd for PSU at NCAA's for wrestling, Phil Davis is in the finals and hopefully he takes the cake for the 197 pound title. The results are not up yet but hopefully he wins.

1 comment:

Ner said...

Who Phil Davis NCAA Champ dude?