Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Training was going well but my hand has not really recovered from being destroyed by a 19.2 pound shot. Dr. B has cut back on my throwing volume in hopes that my hand heals up. I threw ok this past weekend, I was pleased with it because of my health situation but when my hand heals, I fully expect a P.R. I threw 17.21 which is not great but good for having no hand.

I am now house sitting for an older guy that comes into the bar. His place is sweet and he has a ton of wild salmon that he personally canned in his pantry. Tomorrow I move into my new apartment. It will be nice to have a permanent place, now.

Again, I highly recommend reading "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration." It is quite amazing.

The Patriots once again made the greatest draft picks in this weekends draft. The Eagles once again stunned their fans by drafting Dean Kuhar and Nate Bauer in the first and second rounds, respectively.


Jon R. said...

The last sentence of that post is the funniest thing I have ever heard.

ACarl said...

Actually, they traded their first round pick, duh.

tim said...

haha, dean kuhar... oh man that kid was funny