Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Move and Interview

I just moved closer to the training center and I am quite pleased about it all. I am a 10 minute walk from where I train and about a 5 minute drive from everywhere, including work. It is very nice. The new place is fairly nice and it is a cave at night so I get a decent nights sleep. Perhaps I will stop throwing like absolute shit now.

Throwing has just been brutal as of late. It is really frustrating. I have had no reaction to this cycle and hopefully after I get a new program things start to click for me again.

Here is a link to the interview I conducted with Dr. B. It is fairly long and extensive but very good nonetheless. I am quite pleased with how it came out and hopefuly it turns some heads in the US throwing community.

This website is awesome and my interview is the last article under General Concepts. http://www.athleticscoaching.ca/default.aspx?pid=7&spid=35&sspid=71

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