Thursday, April 24, 2008

Why PETA can Blow Me.

Who in their right minds would find this to be a sound alternative? Clearly PETA does not find properly raised, grass fed meats as a way to promote healthy eating. Instead, they would rather grow meat in a test tube powered by fossil fuels, not the natural energy that powers grass...the sun. PETA most likely has little to no understanding of the healthy product that comes from a balanced food system that produces grass fed meats and they would also instead promote something that would have significantly less nutritional value. Sounds like a grand idea, let us all eat test tube meats and then rely on artificial supplements to cure our nutritional deficiencies and least no animals would be killed...


b-$moov said...

feckin a muntz

Heinsy said...

PETA may have more asshats in it than any other organization. For every animal product they don't eat I will do my best to eat 5.

Kai said...

PETA is the only organization I know that takes it's flipping NAME so literally. Let's protect the animals (in ridiculous ways) at the expense of the environment, women's rights, human lives, children's psychological health, and people's happiness. Bunch of idiots. It's amazing to me that almost every vegetarian I meet can't stand PETA. Aren't we supposed to be their target audience? Oh wait, no, I have a brain.