Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Injured Hand and Koller

My new apartment is quite enjoyable. I have been tearing up the kitchen by making numerous beverages. Yesterday I made haymakers quinoa water, ginger ale, honey kombucha and a peanut butter/butter/honey concoction that I have been putting on my rye sourdough. It is quite tasty. My hand is not healing too well. I have been getting ultra sound at the local university and they have been massaging my palm but my hand is still fairly sore. Hopefully, things start improving. I also ordered a rear quarter of bison. Should be a nice 100 pounds of high quality meat.

I put a new blog entry up on the Heartland Quality Foods blog. It is a fairly interesting analysis of a new study issued by the World Bank. Hope it interests someone.

My Mom told me about Eric Koller's service last night. It is quite difficult to wrap my brain around the fact that someone my age has died. He was a friend of mine and a nice guy to see around Leesport. The perfect personification of Leesport, was Eric Koller. He was the new generation of Leesport and everything that Leesport stands for, the good and the bad. People like Koller make Leesport such an interesting place. That is why I love being at home and hanging out and just seeing people around town. Whenever I would see him out, it would always make for a fun and enjoyable evening of laughter. My thoughts are with his family and anyone that was very close to him. I will miss the days of playing Run Down with him at the playground...I will never forget the welt he gave me on my back with a tennis ball. That was the day I tracked him down and threw him in my own version of the Carl Moyer headlock. I hope everyone at home is doing well. Rest in peace, Jay Leno.

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