Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The U Dub

Yesterday my "buddy," Michael and I arrived in the homeland. It was quite nice to get back to the US. We had to get out of our car at the border to enable Michael to do the proper paper work to legally get into the US. He is from the Cayman Islands and needed to fill out some form that he would not be there for longer than 6 months. It was funny because he was very nervous and at one point the patrol officer asked if we were together. Michael's response was, "We are traveling together but we are not family." You may not find this as amusing as me but my response was, "Obviously." It is obvious because I am white and Mike is black so it was fairly amusing.

The best part about going into the states was that, literally 40 meters from the Canadian border was an IGA. At the IGA they sold raw milk. So what is illegal in Canada is sold in the everyday grocery store in Washington. I was quite excited. Anyway, we went around the University of Washington and saw some of the really nice places, including the area where Bill Gates lives. We also got to eat some Indian food and some local pizza place. It was a decent evening.

We are staying at Martin Bingisser's parents house which is very nice. It is in Bellevue which is a very nice area and his house is pretty sweet. They have a weight room at the house and I was even able to do my laundry, hahaha. It is also nice because we are watching TLC and they are at Natural Acres which is an organic farm in PA. Pretty sweet.


Jon R. said...

Throw long and strong, mullsky!

Steve Meyers said...

Thanks for the props on the golf long drive comp, albeit from you smashing me on my discus throwing, haha. Hope your hand feels better