Tuesday, December 11, 2007

70% of People are Stupid

Dr. B has told us a few times that 7 out 10 people are stupid and do not know what is best for them. This is why he claims that communism does indeed work, as long as a competent leader is at the helm. Gorbachev ran the USSR into the ground and this is what ruined communism. Well, I am starting to sort of agree with Dr. B. Actually, on both matters. In regards to Gorbachev, I studied numerous articles (many by conservatives) that did believe Gorbachev was the cause of the communist melt down...not the Ronald Reagan myth of outspending the USSR. If anyone wants some articles, I will send them to you. Anyway, I am no commie but more of a libertarian thinker...I like to side with Thomas Jefferson on a lot of my philosophies. The problem is now I fee like people are really pretty stupid.

Examples...my landlord has no money, so what does she do when I pay her rent? She goes out and buys new clothing and tells me how she is going to upgrade the house. I continue to tell her to save her money and pay her bills before taking out more loans but this is to no avail. Simply look at the US housing market. People buy this magnificent homes, large cars (inefficient) and deck their house out in luxurious items...then what happens? The rate of foreclosures is at an all time high in the US...the disease? "Keeping up with the Joneses." It is simple. I have tons of other examples, but this is my final rant for the evening. We "elect" a government. The government appoints people. Now, we have ridiculous appointees. This blows me away. The White House press secretary does not know what the Cuban Missile Crisis was about...seriously. We learned this in depth with Mr. Rentschler in 11th grade...then in University I had at least two classes that went over it and a third that spent about a week and a half on it...this is absurd. If you are going to lead our nation or be apart of the government, at least learn from the past. Otherwise, what is the point of learning history? To spout off useless facts when you are drunk?!?!?! No!!! Of course not, that is what sports trivia is for...Anyway, here is the link for the dumbass. http://rawstory.com/news/2007/White_House_press_secretary_admits_she_1210.html


Jon R. said...

I would like to see some articles on Gorbachev's craptitude.

I agree that 70% of people are stupid. In fact, I have heard that 5/4 of people don't even understand basic fractions.

Kai said...

Yeah, but all the idiots who bought way more house than they could afford with ridiculous types of loans are bailed out by the government, while people like us who realized a monkey would run away from an ARM sit here and wonder when our bonus for not being stupid will arrive. Oh, right, it'll arrive when we buy someone's house for way less than they paid just because we didn't give a sh*t what people thought of us being renters.

Dane Miller said...

Hahaha, nice one Kaineck. Chunnie, I will run it. I have a hard copy and will email my professor at PSU and have him send me something and then run it to you.

Heinsy said...

There are three kinds of people in this world, those who can count and those can't.

At least the government's forclosure relief plan only rewards people who are current, or ahead on their housing payments. I agree wholeheartedly with Kai though, stupidity is either forgiven or even rewarded these days.

Murder said...

So if we're not getting rewarded for being smart, maybe we're the stupid ones?

BAM, I just blew your minds!