Tomorrow I will begin my trip home. Training has been going well over the past two weeks. I have been a bit flat and ready for a program change and I am also ready for a break at home. I actually think this is the longest I have ever been away from home. A new record. My new training plan at home will have me throwing the 5k shot. I need to shock my body into recognizing speed and stop using the strength I have. Dr. B has been awesome and he is probably one of the nicest guys around and really cares about the athlete. (The picture above is of Dr. B and a clean shaven me...Jesse is in the back being a d-bag.)
Anyway, I am working tonight and then coming home and sleeping, waking up and heading to practice. I will train and then come back home and prepare to leave. I am only going to bring home a few sets of clothing, two books and my training gear...I have plenty of crap at home. I will head out for my second practice and from that point I will begin the journey home. Poor Anton will be stuck in Kamloops and I am sure he will miss me terribly as I will also miss him. I hate leaving him behind but at least Hurricane will be awaiting my arrival, hahaha...and my hot ass girlfriend (not Hurricane). I will train and then drive the 4-5 hours to Vancouver and sleep at a hammer throwers house.
Wednesday morning I head to the airport and my flight departs at 11:50 PST and arrives in NYC at 8:00 Pm EST. As most of you know, the thing I fear the most in life is flying. This is a huge test for me since the only way I can get home and see everyone I love is to actually fly home. I also spent 500 bucks on tickets and do not want to waste my money. I find it very amusing that I am flying back now. I remember 6 months ago when Steve Meyers and I discussed how we probably would not fly for five years since track was over at PSU...well, I am flying now and I am sure Steve will be flying in the near future as well. Oh well, looks like I need to face my fear. Anyway, I am terrified of flying and need to tell everyone I love you guys and that hopefully I will arrive safely. (By the way, do not tell me all the bullcrap safety facts about flying...as if I do not already know that flying is safer than driving. I will have you know that I felt 1,000 times safer hitchhiking than I do when I fly.) So, hopefully all goes well. If not, Mom and Dad please come get Anton. Diane's number is 2505543939. His haircut looks like that of a Schnauzer. Well, if everything goes bad on the flight home...I love you all, haha. Hopefully my blood pressure does not rise too high and cause me to faint. I am hoping for the best. See you soon.
Just have a beer or two before the flight. Since you haven't been drinking lately it ought to knock you ought cold, you pansy.
Gimme a call and let me know when you are going to the Village. I'll be there with bells on.
Also give me a call. I'm guessing since you haven't been drinking your Stratego brain will be sharper than mine, though I will have higher cognitive levels of air-drumming-to-Daft-Punk.
I found a fun little test for everyone.
I could take out 30 of the little bastards. On a totally unrelated note, I'm also a lush that has a 50% chance to survive a Zombie Encounter.
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