Iwill defend deep squatting until I die. In regards to throwing, deep squats are really not useful but in regards to developing tremendous strength and power, deep squatting is the best and most effective way to train. I do not mean squatting to 90 degrees either. I mean squatting until you butt hits your heels. People always claim that deep squatting hurts your knees, is bad for your back, blah blah blah. This is all crap, Olympic weightlifters deep squat more than any other athlete with 80-90% loads and they have the second lowest amount of knee injuries behind swimmers. This is proof that it is not bad for your body. The body was built to squat as low as possible. Natives used to sit around and discuss political, social and familial issues and most of them would sit on their heals. Babies when first learning to walk, find sitting on their heals as a very comfortable and healthy position. It is good for the body in numerous ways. If you deep squat, you will look like Pyrros Dimas (above).
Alright, this blog has more to do with taking a dump than it does deep squatting. After doing plenty of research and actually deep squatting myself, I believe that the human body was meant to squat when taking a crap...it was not meant to sit on a toilet. I always remembered vacating my bowels outside when I was younger...Brooks and I would be out somewhere, perhaps near the Allentown cement quarry and we would pop a squat and I always felt that those were my best poo's. Now I am sure they were. The body is meant to squat when taking a dump. It helps get all of the poo out of your stomach and really makes things a lot easier. There has been a decent amount of studies done on this subject and all native and indigenous groups throughout history squatted when taking a crap, they did not have a throne to sit on. It has also been found that the cultures who do indeed squat while dumping tend to have a significantly lower amount of prostate and colon cancer, which along with diet, probably can be credited to squatting. Anyway, here is a fairly interesting and amusing article on squatting. It is not the most thorough of articles but it does contain images and it also sites numerous studies to back up the authors claim. Have fun squatting. http://www.naturesplatform.com/health_benefits.html
Here is an image of me demonstrating my technique on the modern day toilet. Also, wikipedia has a nice page on squatting for evacuation.
I've only crapped like a bear (in the woods) once in my life. It was on a fishing trip and I guarantee I couldn't have made it to one of the animal infested outhouses scattered across the lake. I went into the woods found a hole in the ground and went to work.
I must admit I haven't felt that "fully evacuated" in a very long time. The problem arose when the muscle stamina of my legs began to fail and all I could see were images of myself falling into a hole in which I had just deficated.
I think I have a lot of deep squatting training and wall sits to do before I can fully adopt this method of crapping.
It has also been found that the cultures who do indeed squat while dumping tend to have a significantly lower amount of prostate and colon cancer, which along with diet, probably can be credited to squatting.
wow, i can see that a lot of research went into this. perhaps you are eating too much seal meat.
Walborn, you fat bastage. If you read the article they have the study that shows where the cultures have lower cancer rates if they squat while dumping. I will punish you when I come home.
What is this obsession you have with pooping?
I get the squatting versus sitting thing, but I simply cannot change my focus from wondering how the hell you wiped while evacuating in the wilds.....
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