Monday, November 12, 2007

Runnin it

I have been quite busy. I started to get more hours at the bar I am working and subsequently had to deliver the paper at 4 AM following my shift at the bar. I have spent the last 2 and a half days recovering from that work. So, now I am putting in my resignation from my delivery post because I am getting more hours and a higher pay at the bar. It should also help my training.

Yesterday was a big Kamloops Track and Field banquet and all of the "elite" athletes were introduced to the other members and their family. I sent the President (yes, George W.) my track bio and so she read it aloud. She then decided to mention that I am extremely poor and have made many sacrifices to come train with Dylan and Dr. B. This was nice, especially because after the dinner (it was a pot luck) some parents and Judy (the Prez) gave me about 8 pounds of meat and tons of other food to take home. I felt like Oliver!

Dr. B has scaled back my training for this week and made it a week of active rest. He informed me that my next cycle of development is going to be quite intense and have a decent amount of volume because he has noticed that my body responds well to lots of intense training. I am quite excited for next week. As for this week I will continue to rest up and take only about 12 throws in the morning and 12 throws in the afternoon, each followed by a session of lifting.


Ner said...

Sounds like you're back to your old ways, except for having my tuition money bulging in your pockets, hahaha. Go ahead Oliver-neck

Chiyo said...

Oliver wanted porridge. You got meat!