I found out that one of the female hammer throwers is a huge Star Trek fan. She attempted to tell me that she was a bigger fan than I, however after informing her that I watched most of the Voyager series in about 1 month and was raised on The Next Generation and worship (literally, I pray to them) a few of the Star Trek movies, she backed down. The fact that I saw Levar Burton speak was the kicker. By the way, he really was one of the best speakers I have ever seen. It was awesome. So, I came home and thought about how I missed my prize possessions of the entire series of Voyager and TNG on dvd and how I will probably watch a lot of Star Trek when I am home. Luckily, I have my WWPD? (What would Picard Do?) t-shirt to hold me over. If anyone wants to get me a Christmas gift, I am open to a WWJD? (What would Janeway do?) or a WWSD? (What would Sisko do?). WWKD? would be fine as well. Speaking of Kirk, I saw Incubus the movie in the dvd store for 9.95 CD. So I guess that would be like 5 USD's now, ain't? Haha.
Anyway, back to my story. I went home and thought about all of the lessons I have learned from Star Trek and I really could not sleep. I kept thinking about the most dramatic scene in all of film and how it still touches me to even think about. That scene of course is at the end of Wrath of Khan when Spock goes in and saves the ship and speaks to Kirk and tells him the greatest lines ever muttered in cinema..."The needs of the many..." (heavy breathing becuase of poisoning) "Out weigh the needs of the few...or the one..." I get chills thinking about. Well, I started to comprehend this lesson and really put it to work in my life. I have always (always being the last 2-3 years of my life) attempted to live by the Way and believe that following the Golden Rule is crucial to living a happy life. I have no modified this and believe that not only is it crucial to follow the Golden Rule, it is also extremely important to abide by the guidelines of the Vulcan culture muttered by Spock at the end of Wrath. Ancient Vulcan philosopher Surak (see image) laid down these standards and it completely changed the Vulcan civilization.
Here is a simple equation:
Golden Rule + Vulcan philosophy of living = the Way.
Well, I was happy because I applied this to my life the following morning. I was tired becuase I slept all of 4 hours due to my thinking about Star Trek the previous night. Well, I wanted to lay in bed but I still decided to get up and go deliver the paper. I got to the paper box and noticed the papers had not been delivered. They were 2 hours later than normal. I sat for 30 minutes and was about to head home when I really put things into perspective. I thought about how I was tired and could be getting my rest prior to my workout session and since the papers were already late, I would then be late getting home to nap before the morning session. I decided to wait it out. Everything sort of guided me to stay and wait for the papers to show up. I knew they eventually would arrive and indeed they came within 10 minutes. To me, it was more important for me to get people their much need paper in the morning than for me to sleep an extra 40 minutes before training. In reality, my thought process was for me to stay and treat others the way I would want to be treated and to put them before myself. What would Spock/Surak do? He would have delivered those papers...yes, yes I am comparing myself to Spock.
Quote of the Day: "So Dane, this time five years ago we were really starting to train and go to school and really get serious about our careers at Penn State. Imagine that, five years later I am still in school and you are a paper boy. Who would have imagined? By the way, my 12 year old buddy called...he wants his job back." - Scott "I am a fatass" Vernon
Scott is still in school but at least it is law school...I however am still a paper boy, haha.
Live long and perspire, Dane.
I will have to make sure I post your philosophy on the 'fridge for whenever you come home. That way, it will be there to remind you in case I start yelling at you.....for ANYTHING!
Dane, I just want to throw in this nugget of wisdom from the movie as well:
"How we face death is at least as important as how we face life."
Nice words Moerder. Very solid wisdom indeed.
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