Monday, January 21, 2008

Banks and Asians

Caitlin left today. It was a sad day. We had a splendid time and also watched a bunch of movies. We watched V for Vendetta, Batman Begins, Why We Fight, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Idiocracy and What the Bleep do we know? They were all very good although What the Bleep is rather annoying and could have been summed up in about 25 minutes without the lame ass drama and the psycho "Ramtha" who channels through JZ Knight. Give me a freaking break. The other problem I have is that "Ramtha" gets all this time while the two dudes who make the most sense get about 5 total minutes...figures that two out of the three directors/writers were followers of Ramtha/JZ Knight/con-artist. She can shove her botox face back into the ancient times that she claims to be channeling.

I have also noticed some weariness in the stocks. My buddy Bernard Bernanke is doing his deal to ruin the American dollar once again and today the US and European markets took a major hit. Well yesterday I guess. Now today, the Asian markets took a severe blow and it seems that in Europe and in the US we are going to see a similar pattern. I guess a good way to deal with this would be for the US government to go into deeper debt, borrowing let's say...9 trillion dollars more...and then pretend that it is ok to be in debt. Then the big central banks like IMF and World Bank and all the other bull crap institutions will come to our rescue. I cannot wait...I love when people and the government spend money we do not have. Also, Republicans are fiscally conservative right?...Oh wait, no they are not. I forgot, that went by the wayside when ole Ronnie Reagan decided to spend his ears off and that is what led to the fall of the Soviet Union...actually, no it didn't. Gorbachev is what caused the Soviet Union to fall. Alright, I will stop now.

At least Ron Paul got second in Nevada (?). I think it was Nevada, maybe New Mexico. I forgot and I am too lazy to look it up. Hopefully Rudy drops out after he blows again in Florida. I love that Ron Paul has beaten Rudy four out of the five times and yet Ron Paul was not invited to the New Hampshire debate. Oh well, enough of my coincidence theory.

I noticed that when Caitlin was here she definitely kept my craziness in check and questioned my odd ways of deductive reasoning. Now that she is gone it seems that I may be back to my ranting. I think I said this before but I highly suggest watching "Why We Fight," it seemed to be a very well researched documentary and has some very interesting perspectives that are not overly radical.

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