Monday, January 28, 2008

Veggie Oil, Pedro Feliz and New Program

Kai, I have no idea how I forgot about Copper and Anton trying to maul that guy and how Copper literally jumped up and just pushed the guy into the bushes. That was so funny. Of course I get locked out with Anton and Copper, the two most annoying dogs to walk together seeing as though Anton is about 1/10th the size of Copper and they are both pain in the ass dogs to begin with. I also remember that this was another experience with sleeping in your place with Minja. I remembered waking up to her laying across the top part of the bed and how her head was resting on my chest. That crazy woman, she was stuck inside the apartment with Maisy and those two basically just sat around wondering where Copper and Anton went. At least Copper and Anton were not left inside to piss on everything.

I got a letter from Miller and Anna and it had a sweet picture with Kaj, (my nephew) and him smiling for a few pictures. It was sweet to see him and now I have a picture of him and Devin in my apartment so that made me happy. Brooks' Mercedes Benz is now officially running on veggie oil...I suppose it is called greasel. So, he will be saving a ton of money and although this is not the way to fix the world's problem, it is nice to see that people can live a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle. I am also happy for him since he has a young family and saving any money is a positive thing...especially since Brooks, Anna and Kaj are moving to a new farm in March. March 15 to be exact, the ides of March, haha. Should be good.

Well, I wanted to write about Pedro Feliz but for some reason the baseball prospectus website was not working for me. Moerder, can you assess this signing?

I hope you all enjoyed the State of the Union and hopefully the US will improve for the better of society over the next few years...or for a while for that matter. Any snide remarks toward me or anything else I have addressed are more than welcome.


Murder said...

I'll gladly analyze this signing...

Pedro Feliz's stats last year:
EQA: .238 (ouch)
WARP1: 3.6 (mainly cuz he's a good fielder)
OPS+: 81 (ouch!)

Here are the same numbers for Wes Helms and Greg Dobbs, the Phillies' two returning 3B from last year:
Helms: .228/-0.4/68 (yeah, Helms is god awful)
Dobbs: .263/1.3/96

Going by the WARP1 numbers, you can say Feliz is an upgrade because he's so much better as a fielder than Helms and Dobbs, though they'll take a hit on offense. Also, WARP1 is a quantitative stat, and Dobbs had way fewer PA's than Feliz, so he'd probably have a higher WARP1 if he had as many bats as ole' Pedro. One thing to maybe look forward to--if they trade Wes Helms FOR ANYTHING this signing wouldn't be too bad because I'd rather be paying Feliz than Helms. It's really a very marginal deal though and won't have much impact on the Phillies next year.

Chiyo said...

Brook's car is not a greasel. My own personal name for it is "the fryer". Even though it doesn't really smell like one, that's the oil it uses so it fits, right? And, you are right. Devin and Kaj are sweet, awesome, cute, adorable and anything else nice anyone wants to say about them. But then, I'm prejudiced.