Saturday, January 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Devin!!

Tomorrow the 27th is Devin's (my niece) 2nd birthday. It is crazy to think that it has been two years since she was born. I remember it fairly clearly. Andy Schell let me borrow his Jeep and I drove it down to Washington and back in a matter of about 18 hours. I also drove back and competed in a meet the very next day. I threw alright in that meet and that is when I realized that I would not want a Jeep as my main vehicle...I believe the gas mileage was somewhere around 14-16 highway miles to the gallon. I hope Devin's party went well today, (I tried calling but no one answered their phones) and I really wish I could have been there and thrown her around a little.

I am on the downswing of a program and that has been frustrating. I cannot stand when I am not throwing very well. On Monday I begin a new program, throwing the 5.5k and the 7.26k and then rotating that on opposite days with a 10k. It should be fun because the lifting is more intense again and I enjoy throwing the heavier implements. I am also fairly nervous to see my results with the 7k shot since this is the first time I will be throwing that shot since arriving in Kamloops.

This past week I found out some more promising information in regards to working and that I will be receiving a few more hours again. My good friend Ford has also passed on some helpful news about my living condition and that I will be able to move in with him and his roomie in April. Hopefully, this does not fall through. I am sick of living with a crazy woman and yappy little dogs that I would thoroughly enjoy punting.

Ford and I also made some sauerkraut on Wednesday evening and we are hoping that it will be ready by this coming Wednesday. If successful we plan on making kimchi and Latin Kraut and then starting a booming business that will ferment all of Kamloops. I hope all is well back home.

Frank Duca, you really need to stop throwing the weight. I am saying this as a friend, training partner and consultant. Throwing 53 feet is not a building block. A building block is throwing 54.70 in the hammer with piss ass technique. You need to stop lifting so heavy and worry more about specific strength and throwing the hammer 15-20 times a day, 5 days a week with different weights. Push the ball and you are bound to throw the hammer far. Forget about the weight. Seriously, along with Dylan and Kalnas I would say that you are one of the best training partners I have worked with and it is sad to see you wasting your time on this event. For what? What are you doing this for? For nothing. You have potential in the hammer, realize this and you will see big results.


Chiyo said...

Sorry no one answered their phones! We were having fun making marshmallow cut outs like "peeps" and decorating pot holders.

Kai said...

You forgot to mention getting locked out of the apartment at 5 a.m. with Copper, who then attacked one of the maintenance guys like the vicious dog he is.

Sorry about the phones. I didn't even hear mine when you called. Devers missed you. She said "Night night Dane! Uv you!" before she went to bed. And then three hours later she was vomiting in a projectile manner.