Monday, January 7, 2008


At times I consider myself similar to Ozymandias. When he ate a ball of hashish and decided to protect the world based off of his journey and experience throughout a particular region of the world (middle east I believe), it makes me think about how stupid I can be when coming to certain conclusions. Maybe I like to think I am similar to Ozymandias because I want to think I am saving the world or can save the world or will make significant difference at some point.

The thing that sucks about being up here is that I read all of this shit and I am studying tons of crap but I rarely have anyone to bounce my ideas off of and clue me in. This can be a problem and today I noticed it during a conversation with Brooks. I have a lot of ideas, many are sane and logical but at times I think of things that family members or friends would tell me they are stupid and clue me in. I have decided that I need to stop reading as much as I am, especially on the internet. I need to start doing more things. Writing things down helps me out and clues me in...I also am going to start training my friend Ford. He stopped throwing because his torn pectoral muscle was not healing so now I will train him as a weightlifter/strongman. This will help out my brain.

Also, with my portable dvd player I have started watching Star Trek again. This can be positive or negative. Star Trek really makes me think about the world today and it makes me question myself and what I am that is good. But again, at times I may become too unrealistic because of the scientific happiness that exists within the Federation.

You know what else pisses me off...Why is it that we live in a Christian nation yet our own government and people who claim to be Christian do not act as Christians should (or any logical being for that matter). It annoys me that Jesus Christ himself says to turn the other cheek in Matthew but for some reason Christians throw that verse out the window in favor of a verse from Romans...written by Paul who never actually met Jesus. Not that I follow this stuff but it can be used as a guideline. One of the churches up here had a sign on it that said, Jesus would not seek revenge so why do we? That is a good question, why do we? At times perhaps it is legit but as a nation, we need to question this. Everyone loved when the Amish people forgave the dude who committed the Nickel Mines Massacre...yet we as a country to not behave this way. This shit pisses me off. GOSH!!! Haha, I am pissed though.


Heinsy said...


Jon R. said...


Chiyo said...

Geez, I didn't know it would piss you off so much. Guess I shouldn't have told you about the book I just got out of the library... Amish Grace. Would you have even thought about the Amish if I hadn't mentioned that book and what it is is all about? And YES! You think w a y too much. Maybe I should send you some of my other books, than you won't have to think. heheh